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In the global marketplace, rapidly changing demands on production and delivery schedules have placed increased responsibility on Customs House Brokers to provide expert Customs Clearance Services. Alpha Cargo Line has continued to build its credibility and is recognized as one of the efficient customs clearance providers across East Africa.
Alpha Cargo Line has long-standing professional relationships with government agencies in the areas where we operate, and this hard-won and privileged status gives us a distinct advantage when it comes to negotiating difficult consignments and dealing with bureaucratic procedures in various ports and locations.
Regardless of how quickly a shipment arrives at one of the destination locations, lengthy customs procedures and documentation requirements can cause interminable delays, costing consignees a lot of money in storage fees.
Our partner customs brokers at Alpha Cargo Line have received extensive experience to comprehend the complexities of each unique area of operation’s customs processes. To minimize costly and time-consuming delays, our customs brokerage team will assume full and total responsibility for ensuring that the right documentation is prepared well in advance of all import and export dates. Alpha Cargo Line has a bonded warehouse network in Kenya and Somalia to further strengthen this element of our operations. These facilities, which can handle any form of cargo, are accessible by road or air and ensure that shipments are cleared quickly when they arrive.
Our Customs Services include:
Import / Export Customs Clearance Service
Customs Evaluation of cargo
Import Duty & Tax Assessment
Classification of HS Codes
Classification of goods
Customs Surveying
Import / Export Permissions of controlled goods
Import / Export Record maintenance
Payment of Custom Duties on customers behalf
Temporary Import / Export procedures
Permanent Import/Export procedures
Consultancy Services
Customs Bonded Carriage
Transit Customs Handling
We manage all customs requirements for imports, transit shipments, and export items at regional ports and borders. We intervene on your behalf with numerous agencies, such as the port authority, the narcotics authority, the Bureau of Standards, and the customs authority, to ensure that your shipment is cleared in accordance with all federal requirements.
Alpha Cargo Line achieves this in Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, and other African countries, particularly UN mission regions.