About Us

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Transport anything from anywhere


Alpha Cargo
About Us

Reliable Logistic & Transport Solutions

Alpha Cargo Line Limited is a customer-centric freight forwarding and logistics company based in Nairobi, Kenya. The company was founded in 2017 and has continued to establish itself as a reliable partner in providing efficient and cost-effective solutions across the sub-Saharan Africa.

The main areas of operation are in Nairobi and different locations in Somalia with an extended reach in different parts of East Africa, DRC Congo as well as South Sudan. The company has established a network of partners across the East African region and around the world, allowing clients to benefit from freight packages suited to their specific demands and needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a preferred freight forwarder and logistics services company providing distinguished customer service.

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Our Mission

To become a preferred supply chain logistics firm by leveraging on technology to achieve expected outcomes, adopt a working smart approach, continuous improvement in service quality, and innovation to ensure long-term success of the business

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Alpha Cargo Line has distinguished itself by providing world-class freight forwarding and logistics service – a comprehensive course of action that effectively promotes and delivers freight forwarding, handling, and customs clearance services from service points in Kenya and Somalia.

Our scope of operations in Somalia include, Kismayu, Afmadow, Dhobley, Bardheere, Burdubo, Garbaharey, Dinsoor, Dolow, Luuq, Wajid, Hudur, Bulo Burto, Jalalaqsi, Beletweyne, Jowhar, Dhusamareeb, Guriel, Adaado, Abudwak, Bandiretley, Galkayo, Garowe, Hargeisa, berbera, Bosasso., via Air Freight, Sea Freight, and Road Freight.




Our experts are available 24/7 to quickly resolve any issues . Call us at +254 735 800 444 or request a free website consultation


We always stand for doing our job fast and at the highest level as understand people value their time and money


Our Policy is to provide best quality work and services that fully satisfy customer and regulatory requirements